Tuesday 29 October 2013

India: Please keep praying

I don’t know if it is because we are in the most anti-Christian but also the most religious of all the countries that CRED travels to, or just bad luck, but this trip is being beset by not just amazing high moments such as the one I wrote of last night, but also by a seemingly endless stream of obstacles to overcome

Yesterday we were driving home and got pulled over by the police who weren’t happy with the fact that a school bus was transporting non-school students. Due to the bad roads we were travelling after dark, a practice we try to avoid for obvious reasons, and we were in a remote unlit area, so it was all slightly alarming to start with. But thankfully the police had the sense to realise that the best thing was to accompany us back to the hotel, let us off, and then take the bus to the police-station, rather than take all of us as well! Even so, it cost our project partners a hefty fine before allowing us to ride the bus for the rest of the week.

Today, all seemed to be going smoothly until home time, when we heard that one of the other school buses had been in an accident on its way back to school. Thankfully no-one was hurt, but the bus is off the road, and so we had to have 30 extra students with us on the journey home so as to not leave them stranded.

Add those to all the previous issues of hassles with entry, flight tickets, possible flight cancellations etc and you will understand why I am asking those of you who pray, to keep praying.

We are doing some good stuff here, the team are being impacted, and so are the children we are teaching. The school is an impressive school in the way that it shows God’s love to all in a very mixed religion region. Please stand with us as we push forwards, and may we know some space from further hassles and obstacles.



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