Tuesday 26 November 2013

Update on the winter coat shout-out

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to update you on the blog I posted the other day about Kids Company and their need for 3000 winter coats to meet the number of children and young people on their books who currently don't have such an item. Some of those 3000 are in Bristol, and I'm hoping to take a car-load, or more, down to their centre on Friday.

Well, since mentioning it in a blog, and posting it on Facebook and Twitter, and mentioning it at church on Sunday, the winter coat shout-out has gone excitingly crazy!

Word is out, and is going around various schools in the area, as well as being mentioned further afield. I don't know that we'll reach 3,000 (although I'm very happy to be surprised), but we'll certainly make a dent in the number, and each coat means a child or young person is able to be warmer this winter.

So, this is to say thank you so much to everyone who has donated already, and to all those of you who are still planning to do so.

Feel free to drop me a text, or Facebook message, or give me a call if you need me to collect coats; alternatively you can drop them in to Thornbury Baptist Church who are graciously acting as a pick-up point.

And if you want to get involved but don't have a coat to give, then they also need hats, scarves, gloves and warm socks, for ages 5 - 20 (special shout out for the teenage years as they tend to get less donations for this age-group). And of course charity shops are a good source of coats if you don't have one to give away (and then the charity shop benefits as well - double win!)

Thanks again, and feel free to tell others about the extra winter items that can be included in the donations.

You are all brilliant, and making a big difference to people that need it just down the road.


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