Thursday 14 November 2013

celebrating the impact of ethiopia

One of the trips that went out for CRED this autumn was to Ethiopia where the team worked with our partner AHISDO. The project is based in a very poor community and the team worked in the kindergarten and the youth club, running activities for both age groups.

The post-trip evaluation forms from the team are starting to come in now, and it is great to read what an impact the trip has had on them.

One of the questions the form asks is: 'How have your attitudes and opinions to your home life changed as a result of the issues you faced on the trip?'

Here are some of the responses:  

  • Seeing that the people in Addis were so happy for what they have, it taught me to not take what I do have for granted and also there are people in a worse situation in the world than me.

  • I waste as little as possible, whether it be water, clothes or food or anything else. I am much more grateful for all I have at home. I think twice about spending money on unimportant things. I treasure those around me more and important possessions as I know how much it'd mean to some to have that.

  • i have more respect for what people do for me and i appreciate everything i have a bit more. even the simple things make a massive difference like having running water.

  • I think my attitudes and opinions at home ha changed alot. I was eating pizza and i only got to eat 2 and explained to my parents that i felt bad for it. I appreciate the roof i have over my head, the bed i sleep in, i appreciate the food my mum goes out and buys. I appreciate my parents a lot more and i have realised everything they do is for my benefit and will somehow help me in the future.

  • I feel more grateful towards what I have, especially towards my mum who provides for me and often buys me things I don't always need. I also notice the poverty back home now, although it does not look the same or as in your face, it is still there. Also, now I have noticed it I feel like I want to help more.

  • Addis is a place that is full of happiness, yet should be miserable. The people that live there have nothing, yet they can hardly wait to show you it. People that should be closed, yet greet you with open arms, minds and hearts. A place wrought with contradiction yet shows me in no uncertain terms exactly what I have, and shows me exactly what I take for granted. To them I have everything, and when I think about it now it makes me sick that I could ever think I need anything more. Addis is a place that touches your heart and your mind and becomes a part of you forever, and I couldn't be more appreciative that I've had the opportunity to realise how privileged I really am.

  • My attitude has gone and I appreciate everything More than I did

  • I have realised that I need to stop taking things for granted and appreciate everyone and everything i have.

And that's just a few of them! Not bad huh!!!

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