Monday 19 August 2013

Big Fat Fluffy Difference

So, at church yesterday morning we sang a new song. It was introduced as one for the children, but I have to admit when the words were projected onto the screen my first response was one of inner groaning, followed by 'I can't believe I am singing this'!

The words go like this:

'I'm gonna make a difference,
Make a big, fat, fluffy difference,
Make a big, fat, fluffy difference in the world
I'm gonna use my talents
Gonna overcome each challenge
And make a big, fat. fluffy difference in the world'
(copyright: Scripture Union)

Then in the first verse it talks about how 'God's given us lots of things, so we can really shout and sing, and do our best to help somebody else; Jesus gave his all, and then he gave a call, let's all make a difference in the world'

In the second verse it moves on to how 'some people are so funny, they make bucket loads of money, and all they do is spend it on themselves. Others are quite strange, they throw life down the drain, they don't try to make a difference in the world'

And in usual song style, there are repeats of the chorus at regular intervals throughout.

So, definitely not deep and profound words, but when you actually look at the theology behind them, and the implications of the words if we were to put them into action - they are pretty spot on. And as I sang (reluctantly at first!) about this fat and fluffy difference that we are all called to make, it was very clear that the younger ones in the church definitely were enjoying the song, not least because they were able to understand the words and the concepts.

How often do we talk about things in language that sounds good, and intelligent, and as though we have got it all sorted, but actually forget to always stop and think about whether what we are saying a) matches our actions and attitudes, and b) is accessible to those we are trying to reach? I know I for one can be guilty of not always getting the terminology right, or of hiding behind the theology and not actually stepping out and taking the risk, or actually trying to make the difference in the right way or when the opportunity arises

Moral of this rambling: the important things in life might not always be presented in ways that we would choose, but that isn't an excuse for us to step aside and pretend they aren't relevant. If we all made big, fat, fluffy differences in this world, what a better place that would be!

PS - Gillian, this blog is dedicated to you!!!!

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