Monday 22 November 2021

Uganda and India collide for prayers

I’ve just had a lovely afternoon reuniting with friends at Acholi Quarters. It’s always such a delight and a privilege to sit under the mango tree with them and catch up with them, to marvel at how the children are growing, to hear their stories, to just be alongside them. Some of the ladies have had particularly tough times during the last lockdown, through no access to work and through health issues, and so it was especially to meet with them and hear how they have come through and how life is feeling better now than it was.  

As always the needs at Acholi Quarters are huge – no-one has enough, everyone struggles to make ends meet. But the sense of community is so strong, and if one person has enough food to share with others then that is what is happens. And if one person get the opportunity to do some work and so needs childcare, then there is always a host of other mums and older girls who will help out. No-one is alone, no-one has to face challenges on their own, and these lovely ladies have so much to teach when it comes to resourcefulness, selflessness, and living by faith and in hope.

I came away from the visit with my mind swirling – it was a mix of joy at being with them again, plus a whole new list of prayer needs based on stories and circumstances I had been told about. But then within an hour or so of getting back to John and Sophie’s house, I received a message from Janaki in India with news of devastating floods that have wiped away crops, homes and lives in the Andhra Pradesh region of the country. Janaki sent some photos, and news of what is happening, and a request for prayers.


So, at this time my mind has a collision of prayers going on as I pray for the particular Acholi ladies and their circumstances, but also for pray for the situation in India – for the many households who tonight are without anywhere to live, who have lost a year’s worth of income, and or who have lost family members.

And I ask that if you have any spare prayers that you might be able to lift up this cross-continental mix as well. Thank you. Blessings.

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