Friday 7 December 2018

Harriet from Acholi - requesting your prayers

This is Harriet, our wonderful friend from Acholi who acts as social worker, family liaison, fixer of quandaries, coordinator of the children and ladies when team trips happen, and all round incredible lady. 
Yesterday I visited Acholi Quarters, and whilst there spent some time with her. As you can see she is heavily pregnant, in fact she is 18 days overdue. 

She asked me to pray for her and the baby - that it will come soon, and also for me to ask my friends to pray for her - which is what I am doing. 
So if you are of a praying nature please pray for Harriet and the baby - For a quick and easy birth, and soon. Apparently the baby has been reckoned to be 10+lb already 
Unfortunately in this country of no NHS she will have to pay to have the birth induced, and she doesn’t have the money which is why she is trying to wait it out. It costs £60 to be induced, or £100 if she ends up having a C-section. 
I asked what happens if she goes into labour and has complications requiring medical assistance but doesn't have the means to pay - she laughed nervously and said they leave you to die until you do pay.
I’m not sure if that is the truth, but it shows the added worries she has. 
Today I am going to offer to accompany her to hospital for a check up and see what the medical staff say - I have no idea what the outcome will be, but am trusting in God for it all: friendly medical staff, a low-cost outcome, provision for all the needs, and most of all a healthy Harriet and baby
So this is a request for prayer. Despite everything she still laughs, and looks out for everyone else, and was so relieved when I said I would ask my friends to pray. 

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