Thursday 8 March 2018

International Women’s Day

March 8th – International Women’s Day. It’s a day that is celebrated around the world in various ways: Russia has a day off to mark it (although whether the women actually get a day off from all the home-making tasks I don’t know), blogs and articles abound, Women’s Hour on BBC radio 4 goes into overdrive….. The theme this year is 'Press for Progress', and that's what we need to be doing, and what so many are already doing - pressing for progress in equal rights and gender parity. 
I have absolutely no problem with IWD, and I applaud the fact that as a result the achievements of women do get more publicity. But as I’ve been reflecting about the day, I have been very aware that it would be easy for the day to just focus on the well-known achievers, and not actually remember the millions of women who are quietly, tirelessly, selflessly doing their bit to keep the world ticking.

So this is a small gesture to those ladies – those living in poverty who often go without a meal so that their children don’t need to starve; the carers (often, but not always women) who care for their sick and or elderly loved ones, day in day out, with minimal thanks and acknowledgement for all that they do; those working three or four jobs just to try and bring in enough money to ‘keep the wolf from the door’; those holding community roles that bring benefit to so many as the women find ways to empower and equip others.

Yes, I know, there are also men taking on each of these roles, and doing just as impressive a job at being carers, cooks, bottle-washers, child-raisers, community promoters, earners, community leaders, ambassador of change….. And I’m sorry that there isn’t an International Men’s Day when we can big those guys up.

But today it’s about the women, and there is no denying the fact that research has shown time and again that if you empower women you empower the community, as their priorities tend to be more about raising up the next generation, and doing the best for all, not just for themselves.

So, this is to say thank you – to all those women who are doing incredible things in the world, who are raising up the next generation, who are caring for the previous generation, who are standing in so many gaps and helping to keep communities going, who are doing whatever it is that they are called to do, and in so doing are helping make the world a better place.

And this is also to remember those women and girls caught up in slavery, and abusive relationships – who are enduring horrors that most of us can’t imagine; who have lost their freedom; for whom each day is a living hell – may the concept of International Women’s Day, and the celebration of women, reach them, and may they know in some small way that they aren’t forgotten, and that those of us who are free, who aren’t abused, who don’t mind getting up each day – may we remember, take action, and raise them up. 
May we all Press for Progress, for progress towards a brighter future for all.

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