Having blogged yesterday about one
particular person related to Berhan Lehetsanat, it seems only fair to give a
bit of background to the organization, and blow their trumpet on some of the
other amazing work they are doing.
Berhan Lehetsanat is an Ethiopian NGO and
the name is Amharic for Children of Light. Its focus is primarily on accessing
education and health for disabled children, although it has branched out to
assisting non-disabled children from disadvantaged backgrounds to also access
The past three days Natalie and I have had
the privilege of meeting some of the staff and beneficiaries of BL and through
a few stories of those we met, I hope I can begin to do justice to their
incredible work.
One of their main programmes is Community
Based Rehabilitation (CBR), and within this they run community awareness and
outreach events based around the coffee ceremony, challenge attitudes and
misconceptions, and liaise with parents of disabled children to discuss the
options available to the children.
This in itself is a massively important
part of the work; we met with a group of CBR workers today who were saying that
the biggest challenge to the families of disabled children is the negative
attitude of the wider community, who , particularly in Orthodox areas, usually
consider the disability to be a punishment from God and so tend to outcast the
whole family.
Bearing this in mind imagine how hard it
was for the mum of Maharat, an 8 yr old girl we met who has cerebral palsy,
epilepsy, and intellectual disability. Three diagnoses, and therefore
potentially three punishments? Not surprisingly when BL met Maharat, she hadn’t
been outside very much, and as mum had never had any assistance or professional
input, Maharat just lay on a bed, or on the floor. Yes she was loved very much,
but mum had no idea how to care for her.
Thanks to BL’s support and input, Maharat
has received physio, a suitable wheelchair, and an ongoing supply of nappies to
help mum deal with the incontinence. Maharat is also now on medication for her
epilepsy, and mum has had training from the physio regarding ongoing care,
muscle stretches, and exercises. BL installed a ramp at the local school, gave
training to the teachers regarding inclusive education and provided other
resources so that Maharat was enabled to attend school.
When we visited Maharat and her mum, it was
a very happy visit. They live in a very small, poor home, but it is a home and
the love oozes out of it. Maharat was sitting on the bed, and with mum’s help
she showed me how she could walk across the room. The wheelchair isn’t used
much now as the distance to school is short enough that Maharat can walk there
with the help of two people. She was laughing and smiling, and had great fun
taking selfies on my phone!
Without BL the picture would have been very
different, and Maharat’s story on its own is testimony to the great work BL are
Another girl we met was Yenenesh Rasa. She
is 6yrs old, and was born with a club foot. She lives with her farming family
in a rural area some 10 – 12 miles outside of Hawassa. Thatched roof and mud
walls type house, there is no electricity, no running water, and her parents
are illiterate. So not surprising that they didn’t know that the corrective
procedure for club foot is really quite straightforward, and instead Yenenesh
spent her first 3 years crawling round on a deformed foot, and deforming it,
and the shin bones, further as she grew.
Thankfully, when Yenenesh was about 3 years
old, a BL CBR field officer came to the area. Mum was brave enough to take her
daughter to see the BL worker, who immediately confirmed that treatment was
available, albeit in Addis for the surgery side of things.
Berhan Lehetsanat covered the cost of
transport to Addis, the surgery, and has provided the orthotic appliances and
physio treatment that Yenenesh required. It took 7 hospital stays to get all
the deformities sorted out, but when we visited today we were greeted by a shy
but independently-walking 6 year old. BL to the rescue once again!
I think that gives a good idea of the
impact Berhan Lehetsanat is having. I could give more stories as retold to us
today at the CBR workers meeting but instead I’ll briefly mention some of the
other things they are doing:
teacher training and support
regarding inclusive education, for student teachers at the training college,
and for qualified teachers at inset sessions
provision of materials,
resources and adaptations to school buildings to make the schools accessible,
including Braille books, resources for intellectually disabled, other learning
materials for visually impaired
provision of orthotics and
physio for children following surgery, plus other appliances for children of
various disabilities eg glasses for visually impaired, wheelchairs and
specialized seating, hearing aids etc
provision of Alternative Based
Education centres for children grades 1 – 3 who can’t attend school as the
nearest one is so far away. BL have set
up 7 of these ABE’s and the government are so impressed they are now taking
them over and upgrading them all into full primary schools as the need has been
so clearly demonstrated
Income generation Activites for
adults – this is in recognition of the fact that poverty in itself is a massive
factor in curtailing the rehab of the children, and so to empower the mothers
is crucial. In all there are about 2500 women enrolled in the various BL
microfinance schemes
Functional adult literacy for
parents – again to help empower the parents and better equip them to gain
And there’s more, but I think this gives a
fairly comprehensive overview for now. A really inspiring organization, run and
staffed by people who are passionate about their work, and the issues of
disability and inclusivity.
My prayers go out to them all, that they
will be blessed in their work and in their lives, as they are a blessing to
others, and my prayers go out to all the beneficiaries and their families, as
they continue to rebuild lives that now have hope were once there was despair.