Saturday, 1 March 2025

Nike – the Nigerian


Nike Okundaye is an incredible Nigerian woman who I had the absolute fortune to meet today whilst at the art gallery in Lagos that carries her name. She graciously shared some of her story with us, and this is what follows.

When she first married, Nike (pronounced Nickay) was one of 15 wives, all oppressed and all dependent on the single husband who came and went as he wished. Eventually, she decided that she was not going to live an oppressed and subjugated life anymore, and nor should the other wives. Having made the decision to get away, she engineered the escape for herself and the other 14 wives, and together they all fled, to start a new life living together and supporting each other.

Nike was previously trained in traditional Nigerian textiles and art, and over time she taught the other women to also be able to do arts and crafts. In this way they created items to sell and so develop their own cooperative streams of income. In so doing they become financially independent as well as gaining a sense of empowerment and self-worth that had been previously missing from their lives.

From these beginnings came the internationally-renowned art gallery that we visited today, and from that have come 2 other galleries. All showcase Nigerian art and artists in its various forms and media, and the galleries ship their art to buyers and collectors all over the world. Nike also lectures around the world, taking the Nigerian traditional art techniques to new audiences, as well as practising her own art and this is providing a further source of income for developing various programmes of empowerment, training and support for women.

Nike cites herself as a feminist activist seeking to use art to overcome the oppression experienced by so many women in her country and beyond.

The art gallery was already incredible before we met Nike, but then we were fortunate to meet her and hear her tell a very shortened version of her incredible story, and suddenly the gallery moved to a new level. Definitely a must for any Lagos visitors! 

NB images below:

Nike with Rozzie and myself

Two paintings that show Nike teaching and empowering the other wives 

A general shot of the Nike art gallery (more on my socials!)



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